In an unbelievable turn of time, this month marks the 25th anniversary of the iconic television sitcom, The King of Queens. Premiered on CBS in September 1998, the show, featuring stars Kevin James, Leah Remini, and the late Jerry Stiller, portrayed the quintessential blue-collar family in New York. To this day, a dedicated fanbase continues to find solace in the charming antics of the beloved sitcom.
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Kevin James, celebrated for his role as delivery driver Doug Heffernan, took a nostalgic journey down memory lane on Instagram, sharing a throwback snapshot of his fellow cast members. With warm remembrance, he expressed his affection for Leah and Jerry, the latter having passed away in 2020, and extended his sincere gratitude towards the show’s steadfast fans.
“25 years ago today, we aired. I am so incredibly blessed to have taken this ride with the insanely talented @leahremini and Jerry Stiller. I love you both so much… and thank you to the GREATEST FANS in the world 🌎 LOVE YOU! 🙏❤️”
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The social media platform buzzed with fans expressing their enduring love for the show. “We play this show every night to fall asleep to. Have seen it a zillion times over. I wholeheartedly believe it had the best cast chemistry of all time. Thank you for blessing us with this show ❤️✨” commented a devoted fan. The sentiment was echoed by another, “One of my comfort shows! No TV show like it. 🫶🏾”
The nostalgia sparked a clamor for a reboot, with fans enthusiastically voicing their wishes: “It‘s time for a revival! Doug, Carrie, and the kids… 😃,” “REBOOT!!!” and “This needs to come back. 👏💯” While Kevin and Leah did grace the screen together again in the sitcom Kevin Can Wait, they brought to life entirely different characters.
Leah Remini, who breathed life into the character of Carrie, Kevin’s on-screen wife, also engaged with fans on Instagram. Reflecting on the journey, she remarked, “As soon as production started on season one, I knew I was home, and I am blessed to say I was part of a truly special show that went on for nine seasons and 207 episodes and still lives on successfully in syndication.”
She continued to express her gratitude, acknowledging the fans’ heartfelt messages about the impact of the show on their lives. “It means the world to me, and I’m so grateful for this experience that lives on and on,” she added.
For those who might have missed out on this gem of a sitcom or those gearing up for a delightful re-watch, all nine splendid seasons of The King of Queens are available for streaming on Peacock.
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