The year 2023 brings joy and excitement to anime enthusiasts worldwide, as some of their most cherished series return to the screen. Titles like Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen, Attack On Titan, and Bleach are captivating audiences once again with their captivating narratives. Bleach, renowned as one of the all-time classic anime series, made a remarkable […]
‘Smile’ Star Sosie Bacon Explains the Horror’s Bleak Ending, Who Killed Her Cat and Her Parents’ Reaction
WARNING: Spoilers ahead for those who have not yet seen “Smile,” currently showing in theaters. “Would you like to delve into discussions about grief and trauma?” Despite the disturbing content of violent deaths, eerie grins, and a grotesque monster, Paramount’s horror film “Smile” has left an impression on audiences. Sosie Bacon, the film’s star, is […]
Jonathan Majors ‘Walked Out’ of His First Marvel Meeting After Execs Kept Him Waiting Too Long: ‘It’s Cool. I’ll Just Go’
Jonathan Majors is on the brink of a significant career leap with the upcoming release of “Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania.” Portraying Kang the Conqueror, the formidable new antagonist in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Majors’ storyline is set to extend through at least 2025’s “Avengers: The Kang Dynasty.” However, Majors recently disclosed in an interview […]
Ben Affleck’s Nike Drama ‘Air’ Sets Theatrical Release Date
Ben Affleck’s upcoming directorial venture, “Air,” which delves into the inception of the Air Jordan brand and the collaboration between Nike and a young Michael Jordan, is scheduled for a global theatrical release on April 5. Following its theatrical run, the film will be available on Prime Video. This project marks the inaugural endeavor from […]
Will Smith’s Comeback Attempt: How He Plans to Regain Movie Star Status With ‘Bad Boys 4’ and Netflix’s ‘Fast and Loose’
A year following the notorious incident that sent shockwaves through the industry, Will Smith is gearing up for a return to the acting scene. Despite maintaining a relatively low profile in the past 12 months since the incident involving the slap directed at presenter Chris Rock during last year’s Oscars ceremony, Smith is now preparing […]