In the eagerly awaited continuation of Mushoku Tensei Season 2, the revelation of Fitz’s true identity as Sylphie has added an electrifying twist to the storyline. As fans prepare for Episode 13, it’s important to note that this episode marks the conclusion of the first cour of the season. But fret not, for the excitement is far from over; the second cour is set to captivate viewers with more thrills and surprises, slated to premiere in April 2024. With each episode, the journey of Rudeus and Fitz deepens, promising to keep us engrossed.
Mushoku Tensei Season 2 Episode 13 Release Date And Time
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Episode 13 of Mushoku Tensei Season 2 is set to grace screens on Sunday, September 24th, at 8:30 AM PT. For Japanese viewers, the episode can be enjoyed on Tokyo MX, KBS, BS11, and SUN. Global fans, fear not, as Crunchyroll has secured the streaming rights to ensure everyone can savor the latest developments. Keep in mind that the exact airtime may vary depending on your location; therefore, consult the schedule below for precision:
- Pacific Time: 8:30 AM
- Mountain Time: 9:30 AM
- Central Time: 10:30 AM
- Eastern Time: 11:30 AM
- British Time: 4:30 PM
- European Time: 5:30 PM
- Indian Time: 9:00 PM
What Happened Previously On Mushoku Tensei?
In the previous episode, Rudeus found himself unable to sleep as he grappled with the revelation about Fitz’s true identity. The following morning, he crossed paths with Luke and decided to discuss his concerns about Fitz. However, he assured Luke that he was still in the dark about Fitz’s real self. Meanwhile, Fitz was called by the princess to address recent developments. Worried about Fitz’s enduring secrecy, the princess urged her to find the bravery to embrace her true identity. In a sincere and intimate conversation, Ariel, putting aside her royal status, spoke to Fitz as a friend. She stressed that genuine happiness for Fitz could only be discovered in a relationship with Rudeus.
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As they shared their plans, Ariel inquired about the kind of relationship Fitz desired with Rudeus, expressing a wish for a lifelong bond. Ariel extended her best wishes for Fitz’s mission. Later, during lunch, Fitz approached Rudeus with an invitation to embark on a quest to find a rare winter-blooming flower hidden deep within the forest. Rudeus accepted, and as they ventured deeper into the woods, Fitz used her magical ring to summon rain. Seeking shelter in a cave, Rudeus began to grow suspicious of her actions, particularly the sudden rainfall. He also noticed Fitz’s nervous demeanor.
As the episode neared its conclusion, Rudeus and Fitz shared an intimate moment. Fitz asked Rudeus to help her remove her clothes, explaining that she couldn’t do it herself. As Rudeus assisted her, her elf ears blushed, and memories of a similar encounter with Sylphie from his childhood resurfaced. Rudeus then removed Fitz’s glasses and was taken aback to discover that Sylphie stood before him. Sylphie confessed her love and pleaded with Rudeus to stay with her eternally. The episode ended on this significant and emotional note.
This rewritten article maintains the original structure and length while expanding on certain points to provide more context and detail for readers.
Category: Anime