In a heartwarming turn of events, Roger Hawes, a 58-year-old postman hailing from Derbyshire, has emerged as the breakout star of ITV’s latest dating show, “My Mum, Your Dad.” The show, hosted by the ever-charming Davina McCall, features a group of single parents who have been nominated by their grown-up children to seek a second chance at love.
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The touching story behind Roger’s appearance on the show centers around the profound loss he endured just 18 months ago, his beloved wife, Joanne, tragically succumbed to cancer. Married since 1992, the couple had enjoyed a seemingly perfect life together until the devastating blow of Joanne’s passing in 2021 at the tender age of 52. Roger, left to grapple with the void in his life, embarked on a journey to find solace and companionship once more.
you are watching: My Mum, Your Dad: Postman Roger from Derbyshire starring in new ITV dating show
Roger’s entry into the dating show was orchestrated by his devoted children, particularly his daughter Jess, who also participates in the program, and his son. The trio felt that Roger deserved a chance at happiness after the heartbreaking loss of their mother. It was their way of putting their father’s well-being at the forefront and allowing him to explore the possibility of love anew.
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Roger, as revealed through his engaging Instagram account, has been making the most of the summer, cherishing moments of freedom with his endearing cockapoo as they cruise in his BMW with the roof down. Pictures from picturesque beaches, including Bournemouth and Portlethen in Scotland, showcase Roger’s zest for life. He also proudly exhibits his fitness regimen, posing alongside his son and friends on the vibrant seafront.
The Hawes family’s strong bond transcends their shared love for Manchester United, which has led them on exciting adventures, such as their recent trip to Florence, Italy. It’s evident that Roger’s resilience and spirit have been a source of inspiration for his children.
Reflecting on his decision to participate in the show, Roger confessed, “Following my wife’s passing 18 months ago, I didn’t initially harbor the desire to meet anyone new. It’s a scenario you never anticipate happening to you or your spouse. However, I decided to embrace the opportunity presented by the show, seeing it as a chance to regain lost confidence and, perhaps, subconsciously, a chance to meet someone new.”
Despite the mixed reactions within his family circle, Roger remains determined to seize this opportunity. He humorously quipped, “Besides, I get to cuddle with Davina! There’s a unique experience here that I wouldn’t want to look back on with regret, wondering why I didn’t take the chance.”
Jess, Roger’s daughter, elaborated on their family’s supportive stance, emphasizing their collective decision to prioritize their father’s well-being. “It was a joint decision involving my brother and sister, and it was our way of conveying our happiness for him to re-enter the dating scene if he so wished. It was about placing Dad’s needs first.”
She added, “We had never really contemplated our feelings or concerns; our focus was squarely on him. This choice mirrored his lifelong commitment to putting family first. We wanted him to know he need not worry about us; if he wasn’t ready, that was perfectly acceptable. It wasn’t an ultimatum but rather an invitation: if you desire it, go ahead, and don’t concern yourself with us.”
As “My Mum, Your Dad” continues to unfold, viewers are touched by Roger’s resilience and the unwavering support of his family. The show, airing on ITV on Tuesdays at 9 pm, invites us to join Roger on his heartfelt quest for love and healing in the wake of profound loss.
Category: TV