After a five-year hiatus, the iconic reality show, “Big Brother,” is set to make its return this weekend, ushering in a new era of unscripted television. The reboot, eagerly anticipated by fans, will feature a fresh generation of housemates, with co-presenters AJ Odudu and Will Best at the helm.
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The revival of “Big Brother” is set against a vastly changed landscape in the realm of reality television. Criticized for filling their casts with influencers and celebrities, many reality shows have faced scrutiny for their authenticity. In an exclusive interview with Deadline, ITV commissioning editor Peter Tierney shared his perspective on how “Big Brother” plans to tackle this issue head-on.
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Tierney emphasized that the production team behind the show is keenly aware of the criticisms surrounding the creation of reality TV, where producers often manipulate contestants and storylines. “Big Brother,” he suggests, presents a unique opportunity to bring back a sense of genuine reality to the genre. They aim to foster an environment more conducive to real-life interactions, setting it apart from other reality shows.
Executive producer Katy Manley echoed these sentiments, expressing her desire to depart from the polished and glossy style that has come to dominate the reality genre. Instead, she envisions a “hands-off” approach to producing, coupled with a rapid editing turnaround that will capture the raw essence of the housemates’ experiences.
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Notably, the production team is striving to give “Big Brother” a fresh look and feel that aligns with the ITV brand while staying true to the core gameplay that fans have come to love. Peter Tierney emphasized the importance of establishing an “ITV-ness” to the show while maintaining its essence. While they aim to avoid drastic changes, they intend to make subtle adjustments that will give it a distinct “ITV 2” vibe.
Mark your calendars for the highly-anticipated premiere of “Big Brother: The Launch” on Sunday, October 8, at 9 pm. The excitement doesn’t end there, as the show will continue to air on Sundays through Fridays at 9 pm on both ITV2 and ITVX.
In conclusion, the return of “Big Brother” signifies a potential turning point in the world of reality television. With a renewed focus on authenticity, a hands-off approach to production, and a commitment to preserving the show’s essence, fans can expect a fresh and exciting take on the beloved classic. The countdown to the weekend premiere is on!
Category: TV News