In an upcoming riveting episode of “20/20,” Disney unveils the harrowing tale titled “Taken In The Night.” Set in the backdrop of a chilling 1993 autumn evening, this narrative delves deep into the night a sinister intruder broke into the home of 12-year-old Polly Klass. As Polly enjoyed a sleepover with her friends, the kidnapper made his move, all while her unsuspecting mother was but a room away.
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This heart-wrenching incident did more than just send shockwaves through the quaint town of Petaluma, California. It jolted the nation, compelling them to rally in unison. The “20/20” episode aims to shed light on the far-reaching consequences this incident had on the justice system, amendments in kidnapping protocols, and beyond.
you are watching: Taken In The Night – “20/20” Special Coming Soon To ABC & Hulu
With in-depth coverage by ABC News’ Juju Chang, this two-hour special boasts a compelling blend of fresh and retrospective interviews. Hear from Polly’s grief-stricken parents, Marc Klaas and Eve Nichol; her close confidante, Anette Nelson; and the relentless dedication of leading officials like FBI’s Eddie Freyer and Petaluma PD’s Detective Vail Bello. Additionally, witness the revelations of the advanced FBI unit that gathered crucial evidence, instrumental in apprehending the nefarious Richard Allen Davis.
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The “20/20” special doesn’t just recount the relentless pursuit for Polly, but it also touches on a sinister interaction law enforcement had with Davis, a whole month before pinning him as the malevolent culprit. Augmenting the episode’s depth is an exclusive interview with journalist Kim Cross, the mind behind the profound new book “In Light of All Darkness,” providing an exhaustive account of this case.
Mark your calendars for Friday, 22nd September 2023, from 9:01 to 11:00 p.m. EDT on ABC. Missed the live airing? Catch up on Hulu the following day. Don’t miss this deep dive into a case that gripped the nation.
Category: Music News